Posted on 4/22/2022

I attended a class a couple of days ago about company culture and one thing that was talked about was a company's mission statement and do the employees and customers know what it is? While we do have one it is not something that I have really advertised or talked about much. We do live up to our mission statement in our everyday actions, but until you have an interaction with our company you may not understand who we are and our “Why”. It is important that people know your mission statement and your why, because they will want to be part of a company who truly lives by what they talk about. Modern Collision Rebuild & Service Strategic Objective: Modern Collision Rebuild & Service provides the highest quality automotive collision and mechanical, repairs and service by hiring employees who take pride in themselves and their work. We achieve an enjoyable work environment largely by realizing that a successful family life is the foundat ... read more
Posted on 11/22/2021

Getting ready for fall weather Well, the weather sure has changed and I personally am glad to have some rain after the long hot summer we had. Are you ready for driving in the rain and dark evenings? Is your car ready for it? This is a good time to make sure your tires are adequate for the long rainy season. Just because they hold air doesn’t mean they will help keep you in control in a rainstorm. This time of year, it is important to have a good amount of tread on your tires, so when you are driving in the rain you are able to stay in control. This time of year, we recommend that if any tire is even getting somewhat close to the minimum tread depth requirements, it gets replaced. Losing control of your vehicle in the rain and risking your safety along with others is not worth the cost of a new set of tires. Don’t forget to check yo ... read more
Posted on 6/15/2021

Fluids will always break down over time from wear and tear, miniscule debris from parts and from heat. All fluids in your vehicle will eventually need to be serviced. Fluid maintenance is probably the single most important repair for getting your money's worth out of your car. My trusty old Corolla had over 345,000 miles when I sold it. The transmission fluid was still a beautiful red color and worked perfect, because at every oil change, I would drain 2 quarts out and refill it. I always get a kick out of the car manufactures selling point “life time fluid”, it does not need to be changed. I still have yet to see a fluid that does not break down over time. Take a BMWs transmission, filled with BMWs signature lifetime fluid, do you want to know how many BMW transmissions I have seen fail? When I am asked about BMW’s lifetime fluid, my favorite line ... read more
Posted on 4/15/2021

My check engine light came on! Don’t Panic. A check engine light is a message from your car telling you that it’s not feeling right and it needs to be checked out to find out what’s wrong. It is important to find out why that light came on and assess the severity of the issue. Check engine light diagnosis can lead to extensive repair or a minor quick fix. The first step to getting rid of that pesky check engine light and making your car feel better is retrieving codes from the computer. This is achieved by hooking up a code reader. You can use a basic reader, but there is a lot more information accessible when you use an actual scan tool. The best way to explain check engine diagnosis is comparing it to looking at a road map. You are here on bea ... read more
Posted on 3/23/2021
I was talking to my doctor the other day about what we eat today will affect our health the latter part of our life. It made me think of our cars and how we maintain them today will affect them as they age. Granted when something breaks on our car we can just replace it but at what cost? If you look at what is spent on maintenance over the life of a car, you will see there are smaller costs that are fairly spaced out and easy for your buget to handle. Routine maintenance will also bring dependability and a peace of mind knowing you can trust your vehicle and it will get you home safely. We have vehicles come in for the first time, we open the hood, look around and can see how well the vehicle was maintained. Usually these vehicles need a few repairs immediately to continue running and functioning properly and then prioritize a “to-do ... read more
Posted on 11/5/2020

Have you ever price shopped? Looked for the lowest price on an item or some service for your car or house? There are times when price shopping may be worthwhile. You know you want that 24-volt DeWalt drill and you shop around and find the big box store has a sale on it, but what about replacing the alternator on your car or reroofing your house? While price shopping makes you feel good that you may have found the lowest price, did you get the best, or at least a good quality repair for what you paid? Not all auto repair shops offer the same quality parts or service. You can almost always find some shop that can replace your alternator for less, but what are you getting for less? Quality parts, proper training to make sure the job was done correctly? Did you know that on some European vehicles you need to tell the computer&n ... read more