Posted on 2/21/2022

With spring just around the corner, make sure you are ready for the wonderful wet Pacific Northwest spring. We tend to have wet springs which is why it is so green here. Road conditions are worse in the spring than almost any other season we have. Why? I blame the wet weather. Rain can cause an accident easier than almost anything because of the false sense of control until you hit that patch of water or mud and things don’t quite go as planned. Having good tires is just as important as having a full tank of gas when heading out on a long trip, without good tires you won’t be going anywhere, at least not safely. Most people who live here also know the importance of good wipers. There is nothing worse than not being able to see when the car in front of you sends the spray of water all over your windshield. Get ready for spring and enjoy the wet weather, it is what keeps us green all year long. Grab your boots and rain gear and head out for a wonderful day hike ... read more